Saturday, April 7, 2007

What I planted

Tuesday night (April 3) I planted my first flat of seeds and I promised to tell you what I planted. Last night I planted 3 more flats (I got faster with practice) so I'll list those as well.

Before I start I want to offer a disclaimer. I'll often use Latin names to indicate a given plant. Most of these names are new to me, so you know I'm not using them to show how smart I am. Rather, it's the only way to accurately describe most plants as the common names are often inaccurate or confusing. Often, for instance, two taxonomically unrelated plants may have similar names. Latin, then serves as a dependable way (generally) to find the same plant and/or information concerning said plant.

Following are the seeds I've planted. Note that links from the seed provider name (following the plant name) show the actual product from the vendor's web page. Links from the plant name are to other information on the plant.

Planted on April 3:
* Codonopsis Clematidea - Thompson & Morgan - medium height; perennial; pale blue, nodding, bell-shaped flowers
* Abutilon Hybridum, Flowering Maple - Livingston Seed Co. - has maple-like leaves but not at all related to the maple tree; flowers look something like uncompletely opened hibiscus
* Thunbergia Alata, Orange - Livingston Seed Co. -Black Eyed Susan Vine
* Gazania Splendens Hybrid, "Daybreak Tiger Stripes" - Livingston Seed Co. -Amazing striped daisy from South Africa

Planted on April 6:
* Lobelia, "White Lady" - Ed Hume Seeds -Pretty little long-blooming white flowers
* Mesembryanthemum Criniflorum, Livingstone Daisy - Ed Hume Seeds -fine-petaled multi-colored daisies
* Nasturtium, "Peach Melba Superior" - Livingston Seed Co. - Fascinating peach and maroon flower on light foliage
* Marigold, "Starfire Signet Mix" - Ed Hume Seeds - Small, multicolored bush marigold
* Cosmos, "Sensation Mix" - Burpee - Popular tall annual for the front of the property--pink, white, maroon
* Felicia Bergeriana - Thompson & Morgan - Pretty little blue daisies with bright yellow centers
* Cosmos, "Bright Lights" - Ed Hume Seeds -Shorter cosmos--orange, red, yellow
* Zinnia, "Cut and Come Again Mix" - Burpee - Double-bloom zinnias for cutting (hence the name)
* Impatiens, "Flavours Hybrid Mixed" - Burpee - Small shade plants with red, white and pink flowers

A word on flower names... The term "daisy" is used to describe a variety of different plants, also called Asters, all with a similar configuration--star shaped petals surrounding a central disc. To indicate a more restrictive sense of the term one would usually call a plant a "Common Daisy" or perhaps "English Daisy".

Well, there you have it. Will continue to update you on progress...

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